Your Health

Coronavirus threat is real

The threat of the coronavirus is real, and health officials believe that it would make its way into the United States.
President Trump, who cut funding for the Center for Disease Control, downplayed fears over the virus and said that his administration has the situation under control and is ready if the virus spreads into the United States. Click here for more …..

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention warned of the potential “severe” disruption to daily life in the event of the coronavirus becoming a pandemic, as authorities are preparing for human-to-human transmission.

It is not a question of if this will happen, it is a question of when and how severe it will be, CDC officials said. Click here for more

Are we ready to tackle the disease? What do we need to know and how can we protect our families?
Click here for more ….

The Coronavirus outbreak could change the way you work. Experts recommend that you put a plan together now before it happens to put together tools in place an agreement on objectives. Click here for more ….

Here are some suggestions to prepare your home for the outbreak, and they include stocking up on non-perishable items, medication, fever reducers and other items that can last for a few weeks and could save you the trip to the store and mixing with people.

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