
The elusive Nintendo Switch for sale

I never thought that in my 50’s I would be going from store to store to find a game console. I have been checking websites, leaving marks on different online markets, and calling stores every day to find a Nintendo Switch for my children.

A few months before the Covid-19 crisis hit I promised children that I would buy them a Nintendo Switch console on my son’s birthday in June. Actually, they talked me into and they decided that one gift would suffice for both of their birthdays, one in February and one in June. I agreed to it.

I must admit that before the COVID crisis I had no idea what the console was and that it was made in China. And now that China and the world are on hold since March and most factories have not returned to make the console, there is a great shortage. Stores are getting a few and most consoles sold online are sold by dealers who are trying to profit from the scarcity of the product.

The console, which is normally sold for $299, is being sold online for as much as $700. My 14-year-old son said it ridiculous, and all agreed that we will not pay more than the original price no matter what. I am glad they agreed to my proposal.

So, now we call every morning and we try to go to some stores to see if we can find one. Most stores are not selling them online and will not hold them. They are selling them on a first-come-first-serve basis.

We are optimistic that soon we can net one or that China would start making them and shipping them to the U.S.




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