Biden wins the ballot, Bernie wins the hearts
Former Vice-President Joe Biden won Michigan and several other states Tuesday, March 10, but most of the hearts and the minds are with Bernie Sanders.
Biden represents the establishment and the return to the Obama era while Sanders represents a totally new change in the Democratic Party. But the numbers are not on his side.
Should he quit now? No.
Sanders is not a candidate. He is a movement of change and improvement to the country. Sanders should continue with his campaign to the end, but he should change his strategy from a candidate who is trying to win the nomination to the activists who is trying to convince Biden to adopt some of his platform, such as healthcare for all, saving social security, free access to education and canceling of student loans.
If Biden wants to beat Donald Trump in November, he needs to energize the entire Democratic Party and the independent voters out there who have been backing and excited by Sanders’s efforts, especially the progressive voices out there.
Otherwise, Biden will be another Hilary Clinton, who will be in sorrow land in November and Trump will stay for another four years.