
Construction industry targets millennials

Construction jobs are the hottest market this summer and the demand for such a workforce continue will unabated for several years.

One of the reason for such demand is the housing crunch and road constructions. The number of homes on the market has dropped by 44 percent this year, forcing a great demand on new construction.

The crisis also stems from the fact that the construction workforce is aging faster than any other industry in the country, and industry leaders are looking to millennials to fill the gap. Organizations such as, Michigan Constructions, are providing information, training and job opportunities to new hires in all fields including in the heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, plumbing, piping and mechanical service sectors. Click here for more … 

We encourage young people to consider the various opportunities Michigan offers, and the housing market continues expanding, the need will even greater. For more information on the real estate market, call us at 313-819-0101.

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